Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Reporters Without Borders chickens out of the Select Committee hearing on deliberate online falsehoods

Reporters Without Borders has declined to attend the public hearing on deliberate online falsehoods to give their oral evidence and input. 

Mr Daniel Bastard, the head of RSF Asia-Pacific desk, was invited by the Select Committee to the hearing with offer to pay for all traWvel costs but he declined citing 'organisational reasons'.

A statement RSF put up on its website said it “prefers not to take a position on a draft Bill that no one has seen”.

In short, I am not game for any discussion and not keen in the process but when the Bill is out, I am ready to comment on hindsight and ever ready to take potshots at others’ work. 
What are you? A cheap talker that talks freely without responsibility.

Note: Reporters Without Borders is also known as Reporters Sans Frontieres or RSF.

In the end, Reporters Without Borders declined the free press given to them to appear before the Select Committee. ๐Ÿคจ

They'd rather stay outside Singapore's borders and launch their attack on the local press from their safe tower. ๐Ÿ™„

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