Saturday, 3 March 2018

Defence spending: How much can we afford?

Past generations paid the price to build a strong SAF even though there were many dire and competing needs. 

Defence of Singapore in the 21st Century 

- excerpt of Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen's speech in Parliament

"Should we continue to put defence spending as a priority? Because after all, we have had peace for 50 years and more now. Our relations with neighbours are good on all sides. We have formed strong partnerships, as members have pointed out, with major powers.

How much should we invest in building a strong Singapore Armed Forces (SAF)? How much can we afford?

The answer to these questions by previous generations was plain, as it was unwavering – defence was a top priority and they invested heavily into building a strong defence, a strong SAF, no ifs or buts.

But let me make one fact clear, past generations did so even when there were many competing needs.

We talk about our rising needs, but as a third world country, our needs then were dire and everywhere – houses, schools, hospitals, roads, public facilities, jobs, all in short supply.

And because our military capabilities at independence were next to nothing, the Government of the day had to make hard decisions – every dollar spent on building up the military was a dollar taken from other needs.

And yet, they paid the price to build up a strong SAF.


Mr Lee Kuan Yew and the pioneer generation who lived through Singapore as a British colony, under Japanese occupation and as a part of Malaysia held a deep conviction on self-determination through a strong defence."

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