Sunday 26 March 2017

Amos Yee: In US and no longer protected by Singapore law

Here in Singapore, the law prioritizes community peace and harmony. At least here in Singapore, when Amos spouts his nonsense, he is still protected by the law.

How, you ask? Anyone who reacts to his hate speech and goes up to him to deliver him a punch or a slap will be punished by the law, as had happened before. A man was jailed for 3 weeks for slapping Amos Yee.

Acts of intolerance, not freedom of epxression

Acts like insulting religion, spewing hate speech and engaging in acts to desecrate books deemed holy by religious groups, with the intention to provoke a reaction are not about freedom to express yourself.

They are acts of intolerance.

It is not that one cannot criticize a religion. Many do criticize religions in their private discussions and among friends. They do so for various reasons - to better understand a religion, to express their incredulity over certain beliefs and so on.

Grey Area

But there is a grey area when criticism crosses the line and becomes intolerance. That line is determined by 'intention'. Amos Yee crossed the line when he repeatedly insulted religions and produced videos to do so with the intention to provoke a reaction. Well, he got what he wanted - a reaction. Members of the public reacted and made police reports.

Different country, different system

Over in America where Amos is free to insult religions and indulge in hate speech and desecrate books deemed holy to religious groups without the law coming upon him for doing that, it will do him good to remember that he is now in a different, gun-totting country. It will be good advice for Amos Yee to know the limits of his own behavior for his own good because the reaction of the public will not be a police report. After all, it is not illegal to engage in the hate speech that Amos did.

At least in Singapore, the law would still be a deterrence to protect him from coming to physical harm for abusive speech.


  1. This guy is looking for attention. Hope he will grow up to be a better, more thoughtful individual in his new country

  2. hope he turn over a new leaf,

  3. he will be back or move elsewhere where guns are illegal ...he can't possibly survive in America
