Thursday 20 May 2021

You need workers to do the installation.

Singapore General Hospital has decided to enhance the ventilation in their B2 and C class wards (which are currently spot-cooled with opened windows and oscillating fans) by installing air extractors. These will remove stale and humid air from the wards, keeping everyone safe.

Here's a learning point for everyone.
You need workers to do the installation. If you are shorthanded, the installation will either take a very long time to do, or not be done at all.
Now, I am just using this installation job to illustrate to you - the netizens - the impact on companies deprived of workers. Eventually, the impact will reach you. Your BTO, the hospital still under construction, your renovation work, that urgent repair.
So when you shout 'projects can wait' on social media, you haven't understood the full impact.
Every day, every week, every month, migrant workers who have finished their contract go home because they are homesick, they are worried about their families.
With a daily arrival of an average 1200 a day at Changi Airport and this figure includes returning Singaporeans and PRs, the number of workers allowed to enter barely replaces those who have gone back.
These workers are not just in the CMP sector. They are also in essential services such as PUB, checking on the quality of water every day etc.
The impact is not limited to companies when they have to shut down. Eventually, you will be the ones suffering a degradation of services.
Photo credit: Singapore General Hospital Facebook

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