Friday 3 February 2017

Our core value: We are all Singaporeans regardless of race, language or religion.

We are all Singaporeans regardless of race, language or religion.

This has to be our constant refrain, like a tenet we hold dear to our hearts.

Excerpts from speech given by Law Minister Shanmugam:...

The THREE CORE PRINCIPLES that has been our approach over the last 50 years:

First, equality and equality of opportunities.

Second, accepting the facts within Singapore: we are different, we look different, let’s accept that, and let’s celebrate our diversity while building an overarching Singaporean identity.

And third, while there is considerable ethnic, religious diversity, let’s also work actively to keep as large a common space as possible in our interactions.

You see many Government policies in the context of these three principles. Some of them were criticised but with hindsight we can see they make sense.

The Government’s approach is activist.

Some examples...

The ethnic integration policy – the Government intervenes on where people live and makes sure that no ethnic enclaves develop. People have to live together. No banlieues in Singapore.

Schools – standard uniforms for everyone. Common identity in schools, with majority of schools compulsory racially mixed, compulsory education and so our young children have to interact with each other, learn to get on with each other, learn to respect and value each other.

Self-help groups – subject to some criticism but the basic point is, accept that there are Indians, Malays, Chinese, Eurasians, others.

Laws - a tough framework of laws, touching on what you can and cannot say about race and religion.

In Singapore, you cannot burn the Quran or the Bible on the basis of the freedom of speech and if you did, you will be behind bars.

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