Friday 26 February 2021

WP, politics of envy and CDCs

Workers' Party is about the politics of envy. They either cast doubts and make insinuations in Parliament or they indulge in the politics of envy to win political points.

They started with ministers' salaries and had to give that up when it turned out that the salary they recommended was even higher than that recommended by the salary review committee.
Then they tried to politicise the PA but the pandemic has shown the critical role played by PA in ensuring needs on the ground are met.
So they moved on to attempt to politicise the work of the CDCs and to engage once again in the politics of envy on the Mayors' salaries which Pritam Singh described as outrageous even though he has little idea what the mayors do in the CDCs.
If we were to follow Pritam Singh's tactic, then surely we can also ask if the salary of the Leader of the Opposition is outrageous? He is paid almost $400k a year just to make speeches in Parliament and he gets an office and paid assistants.
At least the mayors are working hard on the ground to engage many partners, build networks that enable them to be very nimble and able to respond very quickly to sudden needs on the ground, in addition to raising funds etc.

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