Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Fake news on Singapore's debts

Half truths are worse than an outright lie. 

Selecting cropping to create fake news. This is how Ivan Koh of the 'Return my CPF' gang did it. Taxes are raised because the government is in debt. What a lie. 

The TRUTH was cropped away from you. 

The TRUTH is that Singapore is a NET CREDITOR country and NOT A DEBTOR country. 

The Singapore Government has no external debt. It is a domestic debt. The Singapore Government borrows to invest and not to spend.

Why does Singapore borrow? Because she can borrow cheap and invest her funds. 

Why can she borrow cheap? Because she is a triple-A credit-rated country. 

Singapore is one of very few countries left in the world with triple-A credit rating. 

Countries that have dropped out of the triple-A rating find it near impossible to regain that rating.

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