Tuesday 6 October 2015

Racial And Religious Harmony: Always Work-In-Progress

On the remarkable progress that we have made in achieving racial and religious harmony:

So we've made a lot of progress over these 50 years but we've made so much progress that sometimes Singaporeans may be lulled into thinking that we've arrived. No need to work hard anymore.

"It's like this, it's naturally like this, when we wake up it'll still be like this. Can go to sleep. Don't have to worry. And race and religion can no longer divide our society."

I think that's being complacent. That's being dangerous in any society, race and religion will remain difficult issues, will remain sensitive issues, and I think today, compared to 50 years ago, in some ways, more complicated and more difficult that it used to be.

We discuss things more openly now, even sensitive matters we discuss openly in mixed groups and we speak candidly with one another from the heart. But it is very unwise to assume that we don't have to be careful, don't have to be sensitive when we are dealing with issues of race and religion.

It's always work in progress.

If you just look at our society on the surface, if you just read the newspapers - what's reported - or even on the social media you may not know how much work goes into making sure everything runs well. But from time to time we will have prickly issues we'll have incidents with a racial tinge. We have to deal with them and we have been dealing with them, quietly, cooperatively, maturely, the community leaders, the religious leaders and the groups themselves not allowing it to boil over and become an issue.

- Excerpt of PM Lee's Speech at the OnePeople.sg Community Leaders' Conference, 4 Oct 2015

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