In addition to the Pioneer Generation Package which takes care of the medical needs of our pioneers, there is also the Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme (PioneerDAS) which provides $100 every month for their care needs.
The Silver Support Scheme which will be implemented in the first quarter of 2016 will provide seniors with little in their CPF financial support. Silver Support will be paid out quarterly, and payouts will be between $300 and $750. Those living in smaller flats will receive more.
The Committee on Ageing Issues was set up in December 2004 to prepare for an ageing population.
The strategic directions are:
1. Housing for seniors: elder-friendly housing
2. Accessibility for seniors: barrier-free society
3.Caring for seniors: Holistic affordable healthcare and eldercare
4. Opportunities for seniors: Active lifestyles and well-being.
5. Employability of seniors: This recognises that the baby boomers are better educated who posses a wealth of knowledge and experience that is a valuable resource to society.
Since 2006, the government has been gradually implementing various measures to meet the diverse needs of the elderly in the population.
Photo: Mr Othman Wok, one of three three surviving Ministers (along with Mr Ong Pang Boon and Mr Jek Yeun Thong) who signed the Separation Agreement in 1965.
Ref: https://app.msf.gov.sg/
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